Skills useful in humanities work and volunteer activities
I've apparently always asked "why?" Technology doesn't ask (or answer) this question.
I grew up a "preacher's kid"--my dad was a United Methodist minister and served in the Nebraska Conference nearly 40 years, and I grew up in church listening to his sermons and being a part of the congregation, Sunday School, youth group at local and district levels.
Skills which were enhanced by my ministry experience include the perspective of faith and spiritual life, the importance of human persons, listening carefully, tact and graceful suggestions, writing, public speaking, teaching, community building, workshop leadership and training, and the importance of collaborative leadership styles.
Mission Statement
"Affirming the Gift of Sexuality:
Toward Whole Persons, Growing Relationships, Inclusive Community"
The mission of Ministry in Human Sexuality, Inc., was:
- to acknowledge, proclaim, and celebrate the gift of human sexuality;
- to bring good news about the gift of sexuality to the human pain, brokenness, and estrangement surrounding many areas of human sexuality;
- to enable and encourage persons to increase their understandings and skills in expressing and embodying love and compassion.