There have been developments in the submission of the Protocol legislation to GC2020.

Several Conferences are submitting the legislation (Feb. 7 UMNS article). Besides Michigan and Sierra Leone,both of which approved and forwarded it, the Philippines Cavite AC sent the Protocol Legislation unmodified along with the legislation for the Christmas Covenant. Also, Liberia made some crucial modifications to the legislation before sending it on (here's a commentary by Mainstream UMC's Mark Holland) and then the maker of the modification motion has regretted his submission (but he can't as an individual submit legislation himself now--it will have to be made as a floor/committee amendment).

Then the Africa Initiative, an African advocacy group supported by the Reform and Renewal Coalition (Good News, etc.), had a meeting in South Africa and after intense discussion, decided to support the Protocol legislation, but then urged amendments at GC2020.

Finally, the Institute for Religion and Democracy (IRD) executive director, Mark Tooley, has withdrawn his support for the Protocol.

Stay tuned!