Photos from Church of the Crossroads

These photos were taken at Church of the Crossroads, United Church of Christ, Neal MacPherson, Pastor

After worship on July 15, 2001, there was a simple service of remembrance for Phyllis where those in attendance could share memories, joys, concerns, and prayers.

Church of the Crossroads Crossroads Courtyard
Worship Center at Crossroads

The Worship Center for the Service at Crossroads. The photo display is from David Takagi, Honolulu, and remembers the celebration of the 25th Anniversary this past June, 2001, of Phyllis' ordination.

Family at Crossroads

Left to Right: Deborah Stratmann (sister), Enid Roe (mother), Ben Roe (brother), Andrew Campbell (nephew), Dan Stratmann (brother-in-law), Maggie Roe (sister-in-law), Carol Joyce (aunt)

Phyllis' Godson Kai and Friends

Left to Right: Kai and Claudia Genung-Yamamoto, Maxine Haun, Linda Rich, Toni White