by Ben Gosden
September 6, 2019 [from]

Plans, Plans, Everywhere

It seems like everyone has a plan for the future of The United Methodist Church these days:...

 Why I Support the Indy Plan (or some variation of it)

Another plan has emerged that intrigues me a great deal. The Indianapolis Plan strikes a balance between a couple of competing notions. It reimagines the denomination, but creates more workable space than the Bard/Jones Plan. It gives the basic legal entity of the UMC to the centrist/progressives without doing with a scorched earth strategy like UMCNext. Most importantly, it ensures that ALL of us put skin in the game. Winners and losers are not the way to administer the Body of Christ. And I feel like the basic construct of the Indy Plan ensures that everybody wins a little and loses a little in the process. [Continue reading]