Important articles from Central Conference members and delegates:

The German Church has decided not to follow the Traditionalist Plan as passed.

"Stipulations in the Traditional Plan approved by General Conference 2019 are unacceptable, said the executive committee of The United Methodist Church in Germany, and the church in Germany will not impose the stricter penalties laid out in the plan."

Danish Church Disavows Traditionalist Plan (Danish) (translation)

"As Danish delegates who experienced and participated in the negotiations in St. Louis, it is completely clear and without discussion that we cannot and will not live with the resolutions at the General Conference 2019 in the Methodist Church in Denmark. It so clearly contradicts our understanding of the Christian gospel and our Wesleyan understanding of the nature and function of the Church."

Norwegian Legislative Response to GC2019 (see Hacking Christianity for the original Norwegian language document)

...88 professing members from 15 different congregations in the Norwegian Annual Conference (pastors, deacons and lay members of Metodistkirken I Norge) have presented formal legislation to the Norwegian Annual Conference 2019, that “The Annual Conference 2019 establishes a committee that will present to the annual conference 2021, possible alternative models that give LGBTQ + persons the same opportunity to enter into marriage and to serve in the Methodist Church in Norway, on the same basis as other members of the church.” In addition to the 88, a petition is circulating on the web where members and friends of the church can support the proposal. This petition has so far gathered 135 names, and it will continue until the AC starts in the middle of June.

The Church I Love

Dennis Akpona, a gay man from Africa living in the U.S., reflects on the General Conference and its impact on his life.

The Evil We Vow To Resist

Albert Otshudi Longe is a layperson from the West Congo Annual Conference, currently living in the United States. He is a graduate of United Methodist-related Africa University. He exposes currently-alive neocolonialism in the UMC.

Grace is not up for a vote

The Rev. Israel I. Alvaran is an elder in the Philippines Conference. He is appointed to serve as Western Regional Organizer with Reconciling Ministries Network and is active in WMJM. He writes from the experience of colonization, and points out some parallels with the Traditionalist Plan. He recalls the baptismal covenant as the first covenant with United Methodists.

The Real United Methodist Crisis: Loss of U.S. Political Power to the Growing Church in Africa

The Rev. Lloyd T. Nyarota, an African United Methodist clergyman, contends that true motivation for a schism is U.S. church leaders' fear of losing their political clout to leaders from Africa, where the UMC is growing.

African delegates need information before forming opinions

The Rev. Lloyd T. Nyarota, an African United Methodist clergyman, asks, What use is an “opinion” based on one-sided or flawed information?

Africa's Great Betrayal: a Harvest of Thorns

The Rev. Lloyd T. Nyarota, an African United Methodist clergyman, explores colonialism and the 2019 General Conference; Refutation article (UM-Insight)

GC2019: May They Be One as We Are One

Albert Otshudi Longe is a layperson from the West Congo Annual Conference, currently living in the United States. He is a graduate of United Methodist-related Africa University.

African Bishops Statements:

Ugandan Turinawe Samson Shares Story