These questions go with the presentation "Finding Peace and Pleasure Through Intimacy," written for the 2021 Colorado Post-Polio Camp, August, 2021.

1. What do you like about yourself? What do you like most to do? What accomplishments do you most treasure? What losses have you survived? What losses are you working through? What do you like about your personality? What do you like about your mind? What do you like about your body? Where do you most like to be touched? Consider doing this exercise.

2. List all of the feeling words you can think of.

3. Write a love letter to yourself.

4. What do you most look forward to or to do? What plans are you making to do it?

5. What relationships do you most cherish? What about them made/make them special? Which are/were the most intimate? In what way(s)?

6. Tell your partner or special friend what you most appreciate about them.

7. Tell your partner or special friend a story about your life that you may not have told them before.

8. What’s a conflict you have resolved? What did you learn? About yourself? About the other? Did something turn out to be key to resolution? Did you celebrate? How?